‘It is worth recognising that, until recently, usage of such virtual workstation software has usually been limited to those with relatively well-developed IT skills.’.‘The software also supports multiple virtual desktops.’.‘This paper explores the potential for developing virtual dissection software for physical collaboration.’.‘Once they figured out how to get Trojans onto computer, creating their own virtual spamming super computer, spammers have adopted this method for most of the spam they send out.’.‘But they won't give the Red Sox the virtual certainty of a solid outing and a day of rest for the bullpen that Martinez does.’.‘The high plinth of the temple is a virtual tapestry of sculpture, with bands of dancing figures, animals, vegetation and other objects coming to life on its surface.’.‘Although he is a capable wicket-keeper and it enables the national side to play him as a virtual all rounder, his keeping has never quite reached the same high standard as his batting.’.‘The protests have been met with a virtual blackout by the media in Detroit, which has reacted generally with fear and confusion.’.‘Friday's phone conversation marked the first time she had contact with a Japanese Diet member since her release from nearly 20 months of virtual house arrest.’.‘Newman understood church history as the recounting of all that is known about the progress of the kingdom of Christ on earth, a definition in virtual agreement with Schaff.’.‘But many of his views now seem to be echoed in Lord Ouseley's report, which described ‘a virtual apartheid’ in many of Bradford's secondary schools.’.‘In some ways rather more disappointing was the virtual absence of alcohol from the tournament.’.‘This trend is quite worrisome because, in the virtual absence of private investment, public sector spending is expected to be a major source of stimulus to the economy.’.‘For the past 24 hours coalition air and missile raids have come to a virtual standstill, according to a Kyodo News reporter in the capital.’.‘The aim for the US, says the head of US Customs, is to have a smarter border, a virtual border far afield from American shores.’.

‘The latest one-day action brought bus and underground services to a virtual halt in nearly 50 cities, with the exception of the capital Paris.’.‘Their findings offer scientists and herders a virtual history book describing how cattle, crucial to so many Africans, came to be so genetically diverse.’.‘Despite the virtual absence of pollutants and allergens there, fully one-third of the population of about 300 are asthma sufferers.’.‘We are only just in the process of developing laws that may protect our closest evolutionary relatives, the other hominids, from virtual extinction.’.‘With the virtual extinction of cod in the North Sea and serious problems with hake and haddock, the commission accepted that previous measures had failed.’.‘Later Mrs Marsh ran a bed and breakfast business but that ended years ago and they were described by residents as virtual recluses.’.‘Eastern provinces near the Pakistan border have also become virtual no-go areas.’.‘One day the richest among us could turn nearly immortal, becoming virtual Gods to the rest of us.’.‘The first is the cost of research and the need for profits to justify such costs the second is the absence from virtual markets of the purely profit-based phenomenon of arbitrage.’.