These colors are visible because hemoglobin in the blood has lost oxygen and changed color. It usually isn’t until the next day or the day after when discoloration begins to show at that point, depending on the intensity of the impact, the bruise may be purple, blue, or even nearly black.
Most bruises aren’t even visible right after trauma takes place if anything, the area of skin may have a reddish color. When a child (or anyone) gets a bruise, it tends to follow a typical progression. For some adults and children, though, bruising can happen much more easily the same intensity bump that causes a bruise on one child might cause no discernable bruise at all on another child. For the most part, bruises are a minor annoyance that goes away on its own after a few days. In some cases, when the trauma is severe enough, enough blood will pool in the area and cause a visible lump even though “hematoma” is an umbrella term for all such injuries, this kind of lump is usually what people mean when they say hematoma. Though the bleeding won’t be visible, the same principle applies to a trauma that injures an area of the body that isn’t just under the skin. A bruise forms when enough blood collects in the area to be visible through the skin. These ruptures cause blood from the vessels to seep into the surrounding tissue a larger trauma causes more vessels to break and a smaller trauma causes fewer to break. When the body experiences a physical trauma-say bumping into a table with your arm, for example-the tiny blood vessels (known as capillaries) under your skin are ruptured. Though bruises are generally not serious, the severity and location of the bruise can potentially lead to a more involved medical condition.

Yet a bruise can actually happen anywhere on the body where blood vessels exist, including organs, muscles, and even bones. Also known as a contusion (or ecchymosis), a bruise is typically identified by visible blue, red, or black discoloration on the surface of the skin. What is a Bruise?Ī bruise is a type of hematoma, the medical term for the localized bleeding that can occur after the body is subjected to an accidental injury or other trauma.

All bodies react slightly differently to different circumstances, but bruising easily can be a sign of other problems. Sometimes, though, it may seem like a child bruises more easily than other kids. Bruises are also a very normal part of growing up, and kids are just as likely (or maybe sometimes even more likely) to get a bump from time to time. Getting an occasional bruise is a pretty normal part of life either from hitting your shin on the coffee table or colliding with someone while playing sports, bruises are a natural reaction to physical trauma.